The Canadian Society of Magazine Editors held their annual Editors’ Choice Awards last night in Toronto, and for the second year in a row, This was named “Magazine of the Year” in the small circulation category.
Many, many people work very hard to make This happen, so it would be impossible to thank by name all the writers, editors, designers, photographers, illustrators, and researchers who put so much work into each issue. Thank you all so much.
A few particular thanks are definitely necessary. Our volunteer section editors who worked on the magazine in 2010 are a huge part of our success, so thanks to: Chantal Braganza, Lindsay Kneteman, Aaron Leaf, Lauren McKeon, Stuart Ross, Eva Salinas, Nick Taylor-Vaisey, Daniel Tencer, and Ivor Tossell. David Donald, our art director, makes us look champagne-good on a juice-box-budget. Lisa Whittington-Hill, our publisher, runs this whole miraculous show and manages the business of running a small magazine — no easy feat in Canada these days. Thank you also to the board of directors of our umbrella organization, the Red Maple Foundation, whose guidance and expertise has sustained This for 45 years now.
Finally, our thanks to you—our readers and supporters. Our mandate is to tell the stories that are going untold in big corporate media and break new talent, and your attention and engagement and interest is the only reason we exist. Awards are swell, but we do it for you, and your support means everything to This.
If you’re not a subscriber already, we’d like to encourage you to consider it. We’ll continue posting all our articles on the website for free, but a mission like ours needs financial support as well. At $27.99 for six issues mailed straight to your door, buying a subscription is easier and cheaper for you; subscriptions provide us with stable, predictable, and sustainable funding to support the magazine’s mandate. It’s win-win. You can also make a tax-deductible donation to the foundation to support our work.
Finally, telling your friends about This is a great — and free! — way to spread the word and help us reach more people. We don’t have big marketing budgets or advertising campaigns; word of mouth is how most people learn about us. So share a This story on Facebook or Twitter when you like it — just being out there and part of Canada’s public discussion is important to the magazine and our future. Thanks for reading.